Cecil Farms

Yoder, WY

1,699+- Contiguous Acres— 1,100+- Irrigated Acres

—13 miles south of Torrington, WY & 35 miles west of Scottsbluff, NE

—10 pivots—Installed 2016 & 2017

—2 homes, 2 sets of corrals, 1,800 sf heated shop, 2 harvester silos w/elevator

—125’X60’X20’ Hay storage shed w/ 125’X16’ equipment storage attached—Built in 2022

—Over 15 permanent fenced pastures

—Over 1.5 miles of Horse Creek runs through property

—All pivots are currently in Grass/Alfalfa mix or Grass and could be hayed or grazed

—9 pivots have stock water and all 10 are fully fenced

$7,000,000- For Sale by Owner

Pivot Information and Water Assessments:

GID (Goshen Irrigation District)- 576 acres

Springer (Goshen Hole Water Users Assoc.)- 642.1 acres

Pivot 1

74 acres under pivot, 4.77 gated pipe. Extreme NW corner. HWY 85 and CR 52. Planted into a diverse haying mix spring of 2019. 15 +- acres corner pasture. Also in this pasture are 20 acres of bureau of reclamation. Water tanks serviced by pipe fed by well at corrals.

Pivot 2

70 acres. South of pivot 1. East of CR 43. Planted into a diverse perennial grazing mix in spring of 2022. Water tanks serviced by pipe fed by well at corrals. Additional pasture of corners of +- 20 acres of dryland grass pasture. Also an old hunting cabin in this pasture

Pivot 3

75 acres plus 18+- acres of dryland grass pasture. South of corrals, adjacent to HWY 85 Planted into diverse perennial haying mix (could also be grazed), spring of 2023.

Pivot 4

83 acres plus 32+- acres of dryland grass pasture. East of pivot 3, adjacent to CR 43. Planted into a diverse perennial grazing mix spring of 2022. Livestock water piped from well in Pivot 6.

Pivot 5

76 acres plus 13+- acres of dryland grass pasture. East of #2 North of #6 east of CR 43. Planted into a diverse perennial grazing mix in Spring of 2020. Livestock water from well in pivot #6.

Pivot 6

99 acres plus 6+- acres of drylands grass pasture. NW of main house, adjacent to CR 43. Has a well and stock tank. 76 of which were planted into a diverse perennial haying mix in Spring of 2022. Stack yard in NW corner. Tree row planted on west edge in 2019.

Pivot 7

190 acres plus 25+- acres of dryland grass pasture NE of main house east of CR 45. Has a new well (2023) and stock tanks. The south 80 acres are alfalfa/grass mix. The NW 50 acres were seeded into a diverse grazing mix in 2018. The remaining 60 acres are established grass (5 and 7 end guns overlap about 2 acres.

Pivot 8

129 acres East of main house. HWY 161 on the south, CR 45 on the east. Stock tank fed by house well. 105 acres on the south seeded into a diverse perennial grass/alfalfa mix spring 2023. 24 acres established grass on the north in a different pasture. About 30+- acres of dryland grass pasture in the south corners.

Pivot 9

195 acres plus 12+- acres of dryland grass pasture. West of the headquarters. HWY 161 is on the north, CR 45 on the east. Hay yard in the SE corner. An additional 27.46 acres of flood irrigation in the corners. All alfalfa and alfalfa/grass. Planted South half in 2016 North half in 2017, inter- seeded grass into the whole pivot 2023.

Pivot 10

63 acres North of the headquarters. Planted into a diverse perennial grass/alfalfa mix spring 2023. An additional 14.12 acres of flood irrigation, and 15+- acres of corner pasture/hay.

Excellent Hunting

Organic Farm Potential

Over the past several years, the owners have been moving towards a low input, regenerative farming model. Here is the recent history:

-All hay and pasture ground has been farmed without herbicides, pesticides or synthetic fertilizers (they used compost or manure) for at least 3 years (depending on field).

-There was no plowing in the past 8 years, they have been moving towards minimizing tillage, with some tillage on corn ground (2016 through 2022). On corn ground (most recently pivots 6, 8, 10) they have used only one 32oz application of glyphosate. The only fungicide and insecticide used is on seed treatment. They ran minimal nitrogen through the pivots—the last of which was pivots 8 & 10 in 2022 (30-50 lbs/acre).

-They also spread compost for fertility. The last two years they have inter-seeded all corn acres with a diverse cover crop at v4-v5.

-On several different pivots, they have rotated with a diverse cover crop mix (usually no till), and then grazed.

-On all pivot acres they have applied Biostimulant, Harvest Energy and Fulvic Electrolyte from Enviroconsultant Services, in order to build and maintain microbiology in the soil and reduce the need for fertilizer.

-The livestock water and fence infrastructure has been built to improve grazing management to build soil and be more efficient economic grazers as well as implementing intensive management grazing, also using instinctive migratory grazing.

-All acres have livestock integration at some point, ie; grazing corn stalks, grazing 3rd and 4th cut hay.

-On old alfalfa stands, perennial grasses have been no-till drilled in to extend the life of the stand and get a more valuable product. They did this with the goal of grazing more and haying less.


Southeast Schools in Yoder- (3 miles West)

Livestock Auction

Torrington Livestock Markets- (14 miles)

Equipment Dealers

Titan Machinery- Torrington (15 miles)

Brown Co. -Torrington (15 miles)

21st Century Equipment (John Deere)-Torrington (16 miles)


Banner Health Community Hospital- Torrington (15 miles)


Sonrise Church-Torrington (15 miles)

Mennonite Church-Torrington (8 miles)

And many more churches to choose from